Studying infiltratron of forest land is meaning field, important in watersheet and devolop agriculture and forestry strong. The important aim in composition is to define model, which is the most infiltration, to define factor influencing infiltration. The study was conducted in 3 groups such as: fields in the mountains, Acasia mangium, Eucalyptus. The results shows that, land use Acacia is the most infiltration. In 3 groups, vibration amplitude sum infiltration in one hour 6.9 - 86.1 mm
beginning velocity of water infiltration (Vs 0.3 -1.9 mm/mi
stable veocity of water infiltration 0.1-1.2 mm/mi. Sum infiltration, Vo, Vc is relative linear with slope, soft, humidity of land. Inside, relationship with soft is relative direct ratio, with humidity and slope is ralative inverse ratio.