Study on antigens and phenotypes of Kell, Duffy, MNS blood group systems to built rare blood bank in National Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion (NIHBT) is very important and necessary to ensure sufficient and timely supplying rare blood units for patients who need to transfuse rare blood units and patients need to transfuse compability blood group. Objectives: "Study on antigens and phenotypes of Kell, Duffy, MNS blood group systems to built rare blood bank in NIHBT". Materials: 1,550 volunteers were typed S, s antigens
1,290 volunteers were typed Mia antigen
1,166 volunteers were typed Kell blood group system's antigens: K, k and MNS blood group system's antigens: M, N
1,165 volunteers were typed Duffy blood group system's antigens: Fya, Fyb. Methods: Using gelcard technique to type Kell, MNS and Duffy blood group system's antigens for volunteers. Results: Ratio of Kell blood group system's antigen and phenotype were K (0 percent), k (100 percent), K-k+ (100 percent)
Duffy blood group system's: Fya (99 percent), Fyb(14.8), Fy(a+b+): 14.1 percent, Fy(a+b-): 84.9 percent, Fy(a-b+): 0.9 percent and Fy(a-b-): 0.09 percent. MNS blood group system: M (80.9 percent), N (63 percent), S (5.5 percent), s (100 percent), Mia (8.9 percent), S-s+ (94,5 percent), S+s+ (5,5 percent), S+s- and S-s- (0 percent)
M+N+ (46,4 percent)
M+N- (34.5 percent), M-N+ (16.6 percent) and M-N- (2.5 percent). Conclusions: Volunteers' K antigen and K-k(0 percent), K+k-(0 percent), K-k+ (0 percent) phenotypes of Kell blood group system, Fy(a-b-):0.09 percent of Duffy blood' group system, S+s- (0 percent) and S-s- (0 percent) of MNS blood group system are rare antigens and phenotypes. These volunteers were selected and' consulted to take part in rare blood bank in NIHTB.