Hyperlipidemia following successful renal transplantation is frequent. The immunosupressive therapy seems to affect differently to lipidemic profile. Object 1) To determine of plasma lipid levels in renal transplanted patients
2) To compare plasma lipid levels in renal transplanted patients, treated with cyclosporin (CsA) and tacrolimus (Tac). Method: The research was carried out in 26 patients, transplanted in Viet Duc hospital. Group 1: 9 patients using CsA
group 2: 17 patients using Tac. Plasma lipid (total cholesterol, triglycerid, HDL-C, LDL-C) were examined before transplatation, 3 and 6 months posttransplantation. Results: The plasma total cholesterol levels at pretransplantation, 3 and 6 months after transplantation was 3,83 + or - 0,93mmol/L, 5.88 + or - 1.24mmo1/L, 5,32 + or - 1,09mmol/L, respectively, in the cyclosporin group, plasma total cholesterol level was higher than that in the tacrolimus group with no statistically significant difference. The plasma triglycerid levels at pretransplantation, 3 and 6 months after transplantation was 1,77 + or - 1,16mmol/L, 3,28 + or - 1,76mmol/L, 2,60 + or - 1,31 mmol/L, respectively. The plasma HDLC levels at pretransplantation, 3 and 6 months after transplantation was 1,07 + or - 0,38mmol/L, 1,07 + or - 0,38mmol/L, 1,31 + or - 0,28mmol/L, respectively, in the cyclosporin group, plasma HDL-C level was higher than that in the tacrolimus group with no statistically significant difference. The plasma LDL-C levels at pretransplantation, 3 and 6 months after transplantation was 2,09 + or - 0,74mmol/L, 3,28 + or - 1,76mmol/L, 2,97 + or - 0,87mmol/L, respectively, in the cyclosporin group, plasma HDL-C level was higher than that in the tacrolimus group with no statistically significant difference. Conclusion: 1) Hyperlipidemia is frequent in renal transplantation, plasma cholesterol level at 3 month was significant higher than at 6 month. 2) In the cyclosporin group, plasma lipid level was higher than that in the tacrolimus group with no statistically significant difference.