The author presents some main clinical features of 46 patients with cervical disc herniation who were operated at the department of neurosurgery, No.103 hospital from 2010 to 2012. The results areas follows: male (78.3 percent) is higher than female. The main ages is 41-60 years old (93.4 percent). 49.9 percent patier:lts have paralysis of upper and lower extremity, 23.9 percent patients have paralysis of lower extremity. 32.6 percent patients have signs of nerver root compresion, 17.4 percent have signs of spinal cord compresion, and 50 percent have signs of both never root and spinal cord com presion. According to JOA score, 8.7 percent patients is of grade III, 28.3 percent is of grade II and 43.5 percent is of grade I.