The growth time of cabbages in treatment CT3 sprayed by the soapberry-immersed solution plus 0.1 percent soap solution was shorter than the control (control 1-CT1 used water and control 2-CT2 sprayed 0.1 percent soap solution. The abilitiy of cabbages to develope leaves and diameter in CT3 was higher than the control. The use of Datura metel-immersed solution plus 0.1 percent soap solution showed to effectively and fast control the insects (The outcome was 20.32 - 37.91 percent after 1 day spray and 76.49-100 percent after 5 day spray). The yield of cabbage in CT3 reached trom 37.27 to 43.34 tonne/ha, followed by 0.1 percent soap solution (12.51-14.91 tonne/ha), the lowest yield was in CT1, ranging trom 10.77 to 12.4 tonne/ha. Amongst cabbages growing seasons, the highest production was trom main season (12.4-43.34 tonne/ha, the medium was late season (11.45-39.84 tonne/ha) and the lowest was early season (10.77-37.27 tonne/ha).