The study used gingival index- GI to examine states of gingivitis of 62 chronic renal failure patients and 30 healthy people as control group. The results showed that average GI of the patients is 1.22 + or - 0.38, significantly increased compared to those of control group (0.28 + or - 0.12), P 0.001. Ratio of gingivitis patients is 93.5 percent in which 19.4 percent mild inflammation, 59.7 percent moderate level and 14.4 percent severe one. GI of patient group with severe renal failure, anemia, hypoalbuminia, is significantly higher than that of patients with mild renal failure, no anemia, normal serum albumin, p 0.05. Level of renal failure, anemia, low serum albumin related to gingivitis level of chronic renal failure patients.