This investigation on the possible role of mould in production of traditional rice wine was carried out with the 4 candidate mould strains which were selected from 21 mould strains isolated from traditional rice wine starters and traditional soysauce starters. The 4 mould strains were preliminarily identified and named as M3 (Rhizopus spp.), M10 (Rhizopus spp.), M16 (Aspergillus oryzae), and M18 (Endomycopsis fibuliger). M10, M16 and M18 strains expressed very strong 'extracellular enzyme activities (amylase, protease, cellulase), while M3 strain had weak extracellular protease and cellulase activity and no extracellular amylase. Noteably, the yield of rice wine of the traditional alcoholic fermentatibn was not increased when large amounts of the biomass of the 4 isolated mould strains were added. There was a strong correlation between the pH of fermention liquid and the final yield of wine. The lower the pH of fermentation liquid was, the lower the yield of wine. Moreover, all 4 mould strains were determined to have no role in the formation of aldehyde, methanol and higher alcohol in rice wine products.