The Annals of Dai Nam [the Main Part], the Seventh Reign, written about Emperor Khai Dinh (1916-1925) by the National historiographers' office of the Nguyen Dynasty was the final book in the set of the Annals of the Dai Nam. That book was engraved for printing, but either it has not finished yet or the wood blocks were lost, the only complete manuscript of that history book is now preserved in the library of the Ecole Francaise d'Extreme-Orient in Paris. This article excerpts the whole text of the appendix of The Annals of Dai Nam [the Main Part], the Seventh Reign about Nguyen Truong To's activities. This appendix, apart from documentary contribution, showed the changes in the conceivability of the Nguyen Emperor and his mandarins about the changes of Vietnam society in the early twentieth century.