Finding the native country of Ly Cong Uan is one of the problems mentioned much on the domestic and international academic forum. In this article, the author conducts an inventory, group division and assess the credibility of the historical documents related to the native country of Ly Cong Uan. Accordingly, historical documents related to the native country of Ly Cong Uan are divided into two groups: The former shows that Ly Cong Uan came from the land of Man (Fujian, China) and the later says he came from Giao Chi (Jiaozhi). The former group saying that Ly Cong Uan came from the land of Man was nearly contemporary with Ly Cong Uan and was recorded by Chinese historians, including the authors directly underwent the events of the war between the Song-Ly dynasties (1075-1077). The later group was recorded by native historians who lived quite a long time afterwards. In many cases, the data of this group often reveals confusing information by inserting peculiar and legendary factors. Through the process of analysing and criticizing the historical sources mentioned above, the author remarks the consistency of the group talking about the native land of Man of Ly Cong Uan.