Melaleuca (Melaleuca altemilolia) was a sources for high-quality tea tree oil production. Having demand in malaleuca tree development Micropropagation and cell culture were the aims for this study. Malaleuca tree 4-year old was used as sources for samples using in study. Shoot tips were sterilized in prior with HgCl2 (0.1 percent) in 10 minutes and after with javel water (75 percent) in 15 minutes to reach 87.22 percent sterilization of samples. Shoot tips were cultured on the medium for micropropagation of LV + BA (0.5 mg/l) and for rooting of LV + NM (2 mg/l). The leaves of in vitro plantlets were used as material for cell cultures. Leaf was cut into two pieaces and cultured on the medium for callus initiation of MS + 2.4D (4 mg/l) + BA (0.5 mg/l). glycine (10 mg/I), B1 (5 mg/I). sucrose (20 g/I). There were two forms of callus white tumour callus and white soft callus that was fast development Callus was subcultured on the medium MS + 2.4D (1 mg/l). sucrose (20 g/l). coconut water (15 percent), glycin (10 mg/l), B1 (5 mg/l) and its fast mass increase in 20-25 days after culture. Callus accumulate well in the first 3 generation cultivation. Cultivation of callus in darkness having increase of cell mass and increase accumulation of terpinen-4-Ol under lighting of fluorescent lamp intensity of 22.2 umol/m2/s. Yeast extract (150 mg/l) was supplemented to medium gave good accumulation of 0.0256 percent terpinen-4-Ol. Callus was transfered to liquid cultivation by 1.5 g/ 50 ml to induce cell suspension with accumulation capacity of 0.0241 percent terpinen-4-Ol in 25 days of cultivation compared to 0.0188 percent on semisolid medium. Cell suspension cultures were more favoured for terpinen-4-Ol accumulation than on semi solid medium. A scheme of micropropagation and cell cultures of melaleuca tree were set up.