Purposes: To analyze the cost of outpatient medical care at Hanoi Hospital of Post and Telecoms, to identify factors associated with patient satisfaction and propose more efficient hospital operations. Subjects and methods: Study of cross-sectional area, single random sampling with proportionate rate. Study objects: Timer and statistics some of the hospital's efficiency-evaluated indicators: timeout examination, health care costs, treatment results
patient satisfaction surveys and indicators OR
determine the relationship of some hospital's efficiency-evaluated indicators and patient satisfaction. Results: The total cost for an outpatient medical care is 338,22 + or - 76,99 VND, lower than 656,121VND of other regional hospitals in Hanoi. Outpatient treatment results are quite good, 87.76 percent of recovering and be stable after a course of treatment
short average duration of treatment, 5.44 + or - 1.98 days for recovering and 6.03 + or - 1.85 for stabling. The average waiting time for an outpatient medical visit is 95.79 + or - 22.48 minutes, longer than the others from 17.96 to 44.18 minutes
leading to patient satisfaction rate is not high, only 55.88 percent. The satisfied rating of good health care system is 10. 1 times higher than the not satisfied (the confidence interval of 95 percent is 5.9 - 17.2)
the satisfied rating of short waiting time for medical treatment is 15.7 times higher than the not satisfied (the confidence interval of 95 percent is 6.8 - 33.3). Conclusion: The analysis of outpatient health care costs at Hanoi Hospital of Post and Telecoms showed the low-cost, high rate of recovering and stabling, shortened treatment time. However, the long waiting time for medical examination and treatment has a significant impact on patient satisfaction. So in terms of limited resources, the authors have special priority to solve the issues related to the satisfaction of the patient, in order to improve hospital efficiency, strengthen social trust with Health sector.