Many researches on Ban pigs were conducted in Vietnam to conserve this valuable pig breed. These researches were successful in indicating the superior biological traits of this indigenous pig breed, however, its market information remains limited. Steming from this reason, the present study was conducted in order to supply the characteristics of the demand and supply of Ban pig market, as well to identify the factors effecting to the Ban wholesale price through using the hedonic price model analysis. A total of 998 detailed weekly transaction data for the October 2010 to September 2011 period from 15 restaurants in four provinces in the Red river delta area of Vietnam were analyzed by using a hedonic price model to indentlfy factors influencing Ban prices in one year. The empirical results indicate that in addition to the seasonality of supply, marketing factors, namely market location, type of seller, buying arrangement and biological characteristic of Ban -pigs namely breed type, average weight per live animal, and intramuscular fat of Ban pigs have significant effects on