This was an intervention study to identify the effect of health education in improving self-care knowledge of patient hepatitis B. 88 hepatitis patients who are being treated at Nam dinh Genaral Hospital from August to November in 2012 were receied a health education program. They were evaluated self-care knowledge before and after having health education program throught intervied directly by questionnaires available to collecting data. The results of the study showed that: the self-care knowledge of patient improved so well: Specifically, the average knowledge increased from 4.50 + or - 1.93 to 7.73 + or - 1.22 (scale of 10), p0,001. However, knowledge about take medications, monitor, disease management and prevention of HBV infection were still not good. Gender, age, living place, Education levels and receiving information to guide self-care for patient were significantly associated with selfcare knowledge of patient with OR respectively was 3,15
5,54 and 8,6.