The experiment studied intramuscular fat improved by hybridization solution on 120 commercial crossbred pigs created from 2 different Duroc lines: normal Du line and Du intramuscular fat improved line with FI(Landrace x Yorkshire) sows at the Binh Thang Animal Research and Development Center and Dong Nai province. The results show the intramuscular fat content in the loin of pork from intramuscular fat improved Duroc line higher than that from normal Duroc line at all times usually 75 kg, 100kg and 125kg are 2.73 percent, 2.92 percent and 3.06 percent compared with 2.43 percent, 2.66 percent and 2.78 percent, respectively. At the same time, through this experiment, pigs from the period 100 to 125kg in both groups of commercial hybrid have intramuscular fat increased slightly from 0.12 percent to 0.14 percent, but the estimated percentage of lean meat in the carcass decreased from 1.0 to 1.3 percent.