Cytokine GMCSF is responsible for enhancement of immunity in poultry. The antigenic cassette KZ-chGMCSF with Kozak sequence, cutsites for Bg/II and Xhol was generated from the PCR amplified by CHF- CHR primerpairs, and clonned into pCR2.1. DNA of the cassette KZ-chGMCSF was digested by Bg/II and Xhol ad inserted into the pShuttle-CMV plasmid (Stratagene), also digested by Bg/II and Xhol, to generate pShut-CMV-KZ-chGMCSF. After screening, this recombinant vector, od 8.5 kb in size, was checked by restriction enzymes (Bg/II and Xhol) and specific PCR by pShutF-pShutR primers. As results, a number of pShutCMV-KZ-chGMCSF clones were obtained, containing the cassette KZ-chGMCSF, ready for, subsequently, construction of adenoviral plasmid.