Plant growth and productivity are greatly atlected by environmental stresses such as dehydration, high salinity, low temperature and biotic pathogen infection. Plant adaptation to these environmental stresses is controlled by cascades of molecular networks. Deciphering, the mechanism by which plants perceive environmental signal is one of critical importance for the development of rational breeding and transgenic strategies. Recent studies are focused on plant molecular responses and signal transductions when subjected to stress factors. The dehydration responsive clement binding (DREB) transcription factors, which specifically interact with C-repeat/DRE (A/GCCGAC), play an important role in plant environmental stress tolerance by controlling the expression of many stress related genes. Among this group, DREBIA and OsDREBIA are well known transcription factors which are documented the ability for improving abiotic and biotic stress tolerance in transgenic plants. In this study, we focus on isolation OsDREBIA from cDNA library of Moc tuyen rice cultivar by PCR method and introduction OsDREBIA into binary vectors: pUC 19 and pBCKH. Both of binary vectors have high frequency in transformation-mediated by Agrobacterium in japonica and indica rice cultivars. They will be the potencial material for improving abiotic stress tolerance in rice.