The experiment of artificial production and nursing Long-whisker catfish (Mystus gulio Hamilton, 1822) were carried out to identify the appropriate hormone in the artifical breeding and determine appropriate nursing density for Long-whisker-catfish . This study was performed with two experiments: the first is the experiment artificial production of Mystus gulio by Luteinizin-Releasing hormone analogue (LRH_A) and Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). The second is the experiment of nursing fi'y at the age from 3 days to 20 days at six different densities (5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 fry/L). Moina and Tubifex were used to feed fry. The study revealed that fertilization rate in using LRH_A treatment (90.6 + or - 3.12) was higher than in using HCG treatment (83.5 + or - 2.21) and had a significant difference (p 0.05), whereas hatching rate in using HCG and LRH _A treatment did not result in significant difference (p 0.05). In addition, survival rate in nursing 5 fry/L treatment (55.6 + or - 3.91) was the highest and had a significant difference (p 0.05) compared with the other treatments in terms of daily weight gain and length gain. In sum the appropriate hormone in the artifical production Mystus gulio is LRH_A and appropriate musing density Mystus gulio is 5 fry/L.