The article explores the ramparts in Quang Binh during the Trinh-Nguyen civil war through ancient maps. Those are the maps of Thien Nam tu chi Io do thu, Giap Ngo nien Binh Nam do (printed in Hong Duc ban do)
two maps of Dong Hoi and Truong Duc ramparts by L. Cadiere (in the Bulletin de l'Ecole Franqaise d'Extreme-Orient in 1906) and two maps of Luy An and Luy Thay ramparts in Nam Ha tiep luc by Le Dan (printed in The Magazine for Research and Development No. 3-4(92-93). 2012). In addition to the useful information to help locate the ramparts, the barracks and the ways of taking defense measures of the Southern army, these maps also give us much valuable information to learn about the land of Quang Binh in history.