A descriptive study aims to investigate the availability and capability of performing technical examination and treatment services at commune health centers in ten disadvantage provinces. Results showed that 65,6 percent CHC has at least one doctor, 12.8 percent CHC has less than 40 available essential drugs. The most common medical equipments are used for obstetric, gynecology and family planning services (available at more than 90 percent CHCs). Twenty five point nine percent of CHC can provide only less than 50 percent required services for communal level. The most common services at these CHCs are: IM and IV injection, sutures, family planning and maternity care. Laboratory examinations are mostly looking for parasites and serveral quick tests at a low proportion. The differences between CHSs with and without doctor are not systematical. The availability of personnel, equipment and the capability to perform technical medical services at CHCs in the studied provinces are limited. Equipment and human resouces should be invested in paralel, together with enhanced training, supporting and monitoring of providing technical medical services at CHCs.