This study's aim is gathering costs and calculating cost price of commodity Penaeus vannamei based on survey data from 320 white shrimp fanners in Ninh Hoa town, Khanh Hoa province, Vietnam in 2011 and putting forward some petition to develop white shrimp fanning sustainably. The famers' opinions of problems and obstacles in their fanning process are also investigated. The results show that the average cost price of white shrimp in Ninh Hoa town was 49,957 VND/kg. Fanus from 2 hectares or more in size had minimal cost (46,526 VND/kg). Regionally, Ninh Ha ward had lowest value (47,974 VND/kg) and a highest average rate profit per cost of 84.53 percent. Currently, fanners have faced many difficulties in their fanning. They expected the help with testing the quality of breed, supporting access to credit, training technical rising and controlling epidemic, assistancing to market infonnation and enhancing awareness about environmental protection.