Maternal Mortality Audit (MMA) is a tool for identifying shortages in the existing maternal and newborn care services, improving antenatal, intra-partum and post-partum care, contributing to maternal mortality reduction. Cao Bang is a mountainous province with high home delivery rate. It is also one of the provinces with highest maternal mortality rate in the country. Results of the MMA conducted in Cao Bang province had shown that there were only 5 maternal deaths reported, less than the real number of maternal deaths of 8 cases in total. There were five out of eight deaths happened at home and five out of eight deaths happened with the women having already more than three children. All of death women were younger than 40 years old. Half of the death cases were caused by obstetric complications. Therefore, it needs to strengthen IEC/BCC activities for enhancing knowledge of people and to strengthen access to antenatal care, intrapartum and postpartum care for achieving MDG5.