The current nutrition situation and the particular traits of the ration's children from 25-60 months age at 2 kindergarten at 2 quarters in Thai Binh city in 2011. Data were collected from 500 childrend's current nutrition and 168 diets for children from 25-60 months age at 2 kindergarten at 2 quarter in Thai Sinh city. Results: there were 14 percent childrent have malnutrition. Malnutrition I were 94.3 percent
Malnutritionll were 5.7 percent, there were not childrent in Malnutritionlll. The hightest Malnutrition at the group age 25-36 months age:16.5 percent. The rate children stunting were 19.8 percent increasing with the age groups. the rate childrent meagreness were 7.4 percent. There werenot different in sexual between boy and girl at malnutrition, stunting and meagreness. Percentage of obesity were 2.6 percent. Energy from diet werenot enough compare with requirement at all groups age in 2 area, the number childen received enough energy just 15.6 percent. More than 90 percent children received enough protid, and the urban areas higher than rural areas.