Diagnostic cancer naso-sinusal is based TNM, the histologies to detect a tumor, provide information, help plan treatment. Ojective: The description a lesion on histopathologies of HE, PAS and immuno-histopathologic. Materials and Methods: Case study of 38 patients operateds at Hospital ENT central (2007-2009). Diagnostic histopathologies of HE, PAS and immuno-histopathologic with 8 marques. Results and discussions: There are 6 typs histopathologies (5 typs SCC ,1 typ lymphomalin non Hodgkin). SCC is 26/38 cas and 4 typs (papillaire, basal, and sarcoma of perivasculary. Immuno-histopathologic with 8 marques are diagnosed 4 cas (on histopathologies of HE is not diagnostical). Conclusion: Immuno-histopathologic is used to detect a sub typs.