Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease in children. The pattern of asthmatic ch/Jdren admitted to medical office was different from places to places. The study was conducted to describle the characteristics of children with asthma without prvention who were examined at the asthma consultation office, National Hospital of Pediatrics. 83 children with asthma under 15 years of age, who had not asthma exacerbation and used preventive medication were invited to participate in the study. Asthma was higher in boys than gilrs, with boys/girls ratio was 1.6/1, mainly in children under 5 years of age (85.5 percent). The pre valance of allergic diseases in children with asthma was quite high, especially rhinitis (66.3 percent). Asthma were significantly affected on children's life in the previous 12 months, 100 percent of children had daily symptoms, and more than 1/3 of them had admitted to emergency department due to asthma exacerbation. 83.1 percent of children have second grade of asthma, however asthma grade was not depended on the duration of asthma. In conclusion children with asthma were mainly at moderate levels. Asthma were significantly affected on daily children activities. We should have a strategy for appropriate treatment and prevention in order to improve quality of life of children with asthma.