Objectives: To describe cancer mortality by ICD-10 and sex in general population of Hai Phong city, 20052007. Methods: Descriptive epidemiology was applied for the study design. Data was collected by two rounds to generate and analyse the lists of cases for year 2005, 2006 and 2007 which were developed by the head of commune health stations applying the validated form of "Mortality registration". The study was performed at 232 communes of 14 districts of Hai Phong city. Agestandardized mortality rate per 100.000 was estimated in using the World population structure. Results: Three cancer sites of lung, liver and stomach were responsible for 72.3 percent of male and 61.6 percent of female cancer. Agestandardized mortality rates in males and females were 183.0/100.000 and 94.0/100.000 respectively. The leading cancer was lung (ASR 60.2/100.000 in male and 27.7/100.000 in female)
followed by, liver (ASR 46.2/100.000 in male and 14.2/100.000 in female) and stomach (ASR 26.0/100.000 in male and 15.51100.000 in female). Conclusions: Cancer mortality was a serious problem in both sexes with male to female ratio was 1.9.