Recent epidemiological investigations showed that chronic kidney disease is increasing rapidly and become a global health problem. Many research works on how to approach the 24-hour urinary protein concentration index is to use the ratio of protein / urinary creatinine in random urine samples, two indicators very closely correlated index can be used to replace urinary protein levels in 24-hour urine sample. Research subjects: including 82 who are diagnosed with chronic glomerulonephritis, chronic renal failure (chronic glomerulonephritis: 29 patients, chronic renal failure stage 11: 27 patients, chronic renal failure stage 111: 26 patients). Results and discussion: The ratio of P / C in random urine samples very tight correlation with 24-hour urinary protein levels. (r = 0985
P 0.001)
correlation between the two indicators is not dependent on age, sex, urine volume. Correlation between 24-hour urinary protein and the P / C in random urine samples is not dependent on the glomerular filtration rate.