Objective: Determine the sex ratio at birth and describes some of the factors involved in Tien Lang district, Haiphong city waste in 5 years (2007-2011). Subjects and Methods: Retrospective descriptive study
use the sample table designs available statistical data information on population and family planning centers. Includes whole number of births and the number of households in Tien Lang district, Haiphong city in 5 years (from 2007 to 2011). Results and discussion: The sex ratio of the 6 clusters: 112.92. Both the 6 clusters of Tien Lang district economic have an imbalances sex. Imbalances in the special high average cluster 4 relatively high concentration of ethnic Catholics. Trends in the sex ratio at birth of Tien Lang district in a state of constant imbalance and uneven. Sex ratio imbalance at birth in 2009 was the highest and the lowest 120.3, in 2011 was 108.4. The sex ratio in the 0-6 age group children in this district ranged from 106.8 percent to 107.7 percent
It did not change in the last 5 years in children 0-6 years of age group. Relationship between the number of children, which birth order and sex ratio: in the first birttj
the sex ratio of children were within the normal range from 92.9 to 108.6 percent. In the 3rd child families a girls high sex ratio increases from 142.8 percent in 2007 to 248.2 percent in 2011. Sex ratio for child 3th. causes this group tends to increase with a statistical significance (p = 0.073). Team couples have children with deformities or suffering from some other serious diseases each year only 2-5 cases, not enough to reflect the imbalance in the sex ratio at birth. Conclusions: The sex ratio at birth between boys/girls being born alive 01/01/2007 at 31/12/2011 in respect of children from 0-6 years of age for the whole district is 112.9, beyond the normal range 103105. This ratio can val}' the order of birth and the birth: the firstborn child is 101.2 percent - 101.4 percent, is the second group of children, a third child ratio corresponding to 104.8 percent - 108.4 percent and 175.8 percent to 190 percent. Between order of child, birth order and gender imbalance may be associated with each.