Bridge construction is usually taken place in wide space, long time, complex technology and many discipline. Construction progress is affected by many factors and influences to transportation and people's living near by. In recent years, BIM technology is cared in Vietnam and over the world because of its benefits for project cycle. BIM benefits to stake-holders, such as designer, contractor, project management, client. The adoption of BIM in Building and infrastructure is the hot trend in Vietnam and in over the world. BIM has proved its effectiveness and benefits in Building industry, but in infrastructure industry, the adoption of BIM is relative new. This paper presents the application of BIM in Bridge Construction with its benefits and challenges. This BIM model is 3D, 4D, 5D (include 3D model, schedule, cost), the BIM products are drawings, simulation of construction in order to support for construction management. In addition, a survey is conducted to identify barriers to BIM implementation in infrastructure domain in Ho Chi Minh city.