In the article "Mai Thuc Loan uprising - the year of starting and ending", Professor Phan Huy La has sought to prove the phrase (beginning of Kaiyuan era) in Chinese historical records was the first year of the Kaiyuan era (713-741) in the Tang Dynasty, which was also the year of Mai Thuc Loan uprising, then he included that the uprising broke out and succeeded in the year 713, regaining the national independence for 10 years (713-722). In this article, based on large Chinese dictionaries, the author proves that means the first yeacs of the Kaiyuan era, obviously not the first year of that era. The fact that Mai Thuc Loan Uprising were defeated by the Tang Dynasty in 722 as told by historical records is reliable. Possibly, the forces of the uprising had been built and existed earlier, but historical books do not say the duration of the preparation. In the author's opinion, the lack of historical documents and evidence does not mean that we can make up glorious events to sing with praise and deceive the whole nation, now and in the future.