Pudendal thigh flap first described by Wee and Joseph for reconstruction a new vagina in 1989 after they studied the blood supply of upper thigh skin in cadavers. In our study, the authors reviewed the anatomical basic and the new studies for vascular and applied the pudendal thigh flap for creating a new vagina. 7 cases of vaginal agenesis have been reconstructed with pudendal thigh flaps in a period of 18 months. 5 patients were observed for 3 months to 15 months following the operation and the incidence of flap loss occurred in 1/7 patient, 1 case had necrosis of the distal flaps which healed spontaneously. Hair grew in the vagina in two cases. The result showed that the flap is good flap reliability, the technique is simply, minimal donor-site morbility and the currents studies provided the anatomic basis for techniques to maximize its survival.