Bakanae (Von) disease on rice was recorded as one of the serious diseases in the Mekong delta, with three symptoms: long, stunting, and early death. Diseased symptoms were related with morphological characteristics of Fusarium isolates and not related with the GA3 concentration analysed in culture. In the rice field, a sexual structure of F. moniforme was found and described therefore it is suggested that Gibberella fujikuroi should be the causual agent of Bakanae disease on rice in Vietnam. By using the Metiram complex, Tebuconazole, and Ipconazole, and 15 percent salt solution for rice seed treatment before sowing, it could reduce the incidence of diseased plant, increase the germination ability in rice seeds and fined grain numbers/panicle. Rice seeds treated with 15 percent salt solution in 30 minutes before incubation was recommended due to reduction of production costs and water ponution.