A cross-sectional survey on the infection of bovine Fasciola sp. and intermediate hosts of Fasciola sp. was conducted at Nghia Son commune, Tu Nghia district and Tinh Ky commune, Son Tinh district, Quang Ngai province from June of 2009 to December of 2010. The prevalence of cattle Fasciola sp. by stool examination was 61.5 percent. The prevalence of liver fluke in cattle slaughter house was 73.4 percent. Snail intermediate hosts L.swinhoei outnumbered L.viridis with 92 percent. It was found that 0.61 percent of L.swinhoei were infected with redia and cecaria of Fasciola sp. The density of snails in the mountainous areas was higher and the infection intensity was throughout the year. The raw vegetables (salad, corn, basil, mint, lettuce and spinach) have not been found with metacecaria of Fasciola sp. larvae.