The practices of the General Assembly and the Security Council that may affect the position and the role of the non-permanent members have been categorized and reviewed in this article. The adoption of the "Uniting for peace" resolution, the deployment of the first Peacekeeping forces, the adoption of resolutions implementing the UN Charter are those practices that may affect the power and function of the General Assembly. The Security Council's practices of determining the existence of the threat to international peace and security and authorizing member states to use all necessary means under Article 42 have also been analyzed to find out what problems they may cause, if any, to the enhancement of the non-permanent members' role. The practices of the voting at the General Assembly and the Security Council as well as the practice of Security Council's "consultation of the whole" are among procedural issues that may also affect the role of the non-permanent members. Related directly to the nonpermanent members are the practices of geographical distribution of the