Marxist philosophy on human liberation is a tremendous achievement and profound revolutionary idea in the history of human philosophical thoughts.Marxist philosophy considers human being as the starting point for every research and regards people's freedom as the highest goal of findings and revolutions in the fields of ideology and politics. The classic Marxist philosophers also confirmed the necessity to build a socialist and civilized communist society - and considered them as the way to liberate mankind from oppression, exploitation and slavery and to create a humanity environment for people to fuIly advance. The scientific values of human liberation in Marxist philosophy in particular, in Marxism and Leninism in general and Hochiminh ideology are the important theoretical bases for our Party in strategic planningonthe development of Vietnamese people. Nowadays, our Party and State always consider people as not only the target but also the impetus for the innovations and construction of socialist society in Vietnam. The XI Party Congress also emphasized people as the subjects of development. Complete human liberation as the goal of development helps to create incentives for the development and reflects the nature of socialist society that are building now.