In the past few years, applying marketing solutions and marketing strategies for many schools and universities around the world have been very popular, including the famous universities such as Harvard University, etc. However, in Vietnam, the studies about marketing solutions and marketing strategies haven't been publishing extensively. It is necessary in the period that the number of universities are establishing and increasing both in Public and Private, leading to increasing enrollments becomes more difficult than ever. Furthermore for the newly established university, it's very important to advertise promotional images, research and application of marketing activities to get more enrollments. This paper proposes research applications of a SWOT analysis to supporting marketing strategies and applying the application of marketing at the University of Information Technology and Communication of Thai Nguyen Universities. To help on the basis of analysis, assessing the situation the strengths and weaknesses of the training activities of the school to promote and enhance the image, the brand of the school to the parents, students, locals and international. This contributes to attracting students from high schools, increasing the number of enrollment and improves the quality of the freshmen.