The area of agricultural land in Hanoi is being narrowed and shifting steadily away from Hanoi, to nearby provinces. Vinh Phuc is a province where adjacent to Hanoi, there are favorable conditions for the development of agriculture commodities with the staple crop to give Hanoi. However, current production has not met the needs of the market in Hanoi about product quality, safety, speciality. On rice farming systems, crop structure is quite diverse but mostly rice, com, sweet potatoes, ... structure mainly cultivated the rice seed is of low quality (Khang Dan 18, Q5, VD3,...)
maize is mostly crop in winter crops, low economic value. Research results show that, changing of crop system should focus on adding crop, changing some of crops in winter crop, spring crop by commodity plant, high-quality varieties. Promoting the production towards safe, VietGap, Global Gap to supply Hanoi market, export-oriented.