Nom scripts, language and literature gradually became the national language by themselves as requested by the ruling regime and affected by the regime attitudes. Requirement and desires to reconsider the attitudes towards national language literature emerged in the socio-literary community. This was strongly revealed when scholars at that time deliberated on the literary work Truyen Hoa tien which included Bai tua Hoa tien ki by Tinh Tinh Trai, Bai tua Hoa tien truyen by Cao Ba Quat, Bai tua Sach de bat tai tu Hoa tien ky by Vu Dai Van. In this writing the authors will discuss concepts about national literature and national language in Nom narrative poems through the above literary work and then propose that the evaluation of several scholars at that time about Nom scripts and Nom literary work could be one of the factors promoting the abrupt development of Nom literature, creating a Nom literature countenance in XVIII - XIX centuries.