Evaluation freeze-drying formulation of Actinomycetes 54 RM has been added additives to help the cells recovered from the freeze-drying state to vegetative growth state in controlling anthracnose on chili caused by Colletotrichum sp. ST2 and damping-off on cabbage caused by Rhizoctonia solani in in-vitro and greenhouse conditions. The experiment was designed completely randomize with four treatments with adding additives (skim milk 10 percent and 20 percent, Glucose10 percent and Mannitol 10 percent) after freeze-drying and control treatment with five replications. The experiment was conducted on individual disease. For anthracnose on hot pepper: treatment applying actinomycete suspension prepared from freeze - drying 54 RM powder added with of skim milk 10 percent or 20 percent and glucose 10 percent on fruits before pathogen inoculation showed higher disease reduction than mannitol 10 percent and control without applying actinomycetes. For damping-off on cabbage: soil drenching with Actitomycetes 54 RM suspension in infected soil with R.solani before sowing, treatment freeze - drying 54 RM formulation suspended in skim milk 20 percent gave best disease control during the survey periods, next were skim milk 10 percent and glucose 10 percent, and the lowest was Mannitol 10 percent compared to control.