In Vietnam, together with the improvement in quality of life, travelling is getting more and more popular. In the so-called non-smoke industry, staying service is regarded as one of the most important factors. According to the result of a rudiment survey on staying locations by the tourism department, the total number of the staying locations in the Red River Delta and coastal Northeastern part has amounted to 3.686 with 55.680 rooms by 12/2012. Most of the staying locations concentrate in such big cities as Ha Noi, Quang Ninh, Hai Phong, Nam Dinh, Ninh Binh, Bac Ninh, among which Hanoi has a lot of first-rate staying locations. To expand these locations in the Red River Delta and coastal Northeastern part, there should be comprehensive and practical measures, namely making plans for expanding staying locations, improving the effectiveness of state management of staying locations system. Perhaps in order to carry out these solutions, there must be a comprehensive co-ordination between governmental and local departments in all aspects.