27 lactic acid bacteria strains has the ability to reduce the cyanide in which were isolated from the natural fermentingfresh cassava residual pulp and fresh cassava residual pulp ensiled with kim chi, nem chua, tom chua, dua chua, yogurt, respectively. In there, strain LB2 were isolated from fresh cassava residual pulp ensiled with kim chi that strain is the best ability to reduce the cyanide. The fermenting fresh cassava residual pulp added strain LB2 that total cyanide content decreased from 241.4 +/- 5.22 mg/kg dry weight to 73.52 +/- 3.1 mg/kg dry weight, free cyanide content decreased from 104 +/- 3.22mg/kg dry weight to 32 +/- 0.76 mg/kg dry weight and cyanide content in cells after 24 hours of fermentation by 0 ug/g. Results of the molecular identification of strain LB2 is Lactobacillus plantarum.