Surveying properties of enzyme Termamyl 120L on carrageenan substrate from seaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii (Doty) based on determining the activity of the enzyme Termamyl 120L by DNS method shows that enzyme Termamyl 120L operates optimally in the conditions: to=85oC, pH=6.5
Enzyme Termamyl 120L 0.5 percent
Carrageenan 1 percent. In addition, the result of the research shows that isoelectric point of the enzyme Termamyl 120L is pI = 3.2. After 180 minutes of activity at 65oC, 75oC, 85oC, 95oC, it reduces by 91.88, 79.8,46 percent. Ca2+, Mg2+ ions increases the activity while Cu2+, Ag+, Hg2+, Cd2+, Na+ ions reduces the activity of the enzyme.