The main purpose of research is to determine the factors that impact on the satisfactions of person who submit the administrative procedures (customers) when their vessels inward to and outward from seaports in Khanh Hoa province. The research results helped author give out the solution to simplify the administrative procedures in order to enhance the State management effect of maritime activities in Khanh Hoa province. To study the above mentioned problem, author observed the real situations of receiving the administrative procedure records at the "single-window" section of Maritime Authority of Nha Trang
compared the observation results with the regulation of the current law
discussed and interviewed the experts of the management States at seaports to analyse the causes of the difference. Besides that, author collected information via the questionnaires from customers, and then author used the mathematic tool to assess the main causes. The research results indicated that the administrative procedures make difficulties for business and ship-owners, because the "single-window" section was established at the disadvantage places
declarant must submit so many documents and records
duration of the administrative procedures from the management States at seaports is not same and is lengthened because it depends on the regulations of each agent, etc. Besides that, the way to process the administrative procedures in the present make difficulties also for applying informatics technologies and it do not create the necessary information links between the management States at seaports. The satisfactions of customers the administrative procedures are assessed at under the average level. It indicated that person who submit the administrative procedures are not satisfy with the administrative procedures when their vessels inward to and outward from seaports in Khanh Hoa province.