Get a better grade in chemistry with OWL, the #1 online homework and tutorial system for chemistry! OWL's step-by-step tutorials, interactive simulations, and homework questions with instant answer, specific feedback help you every step of the way as you master tough chemistry concepts and skills. To get started, use the access code that may have been packaged with your text or purchase access online at Check with your instructor to verify that OWL is required for your course before purchasing. --Book Jacket.Review and study for exams and improve your problem-solving skills with this comprehensive manual. Both Study Guide and Solutions Manual, this easy to use resource includes solutions to in text and end of chapter problems, along with expranations of the answers. For each chapter, the guide provides a chapter summary, learning objectives, and a summary of synthetic methods and reaction mechanisms. Review problems on synthesis and 100 multiple choice sample test questions offer you additional problem solving practice. --
Includes bibliographical references and index.