The U.S. Department of Energy promotes production of advanced liquid transportation fuels from lignocellulosic biomass by funding fundamental and applied research that advances the state of technology (SOT). As part of its involvement with this overall mission, Idaho National Laboratory completes annual SOT reports for nth-plant biomass feedstock logistics. The purpose of the SOTs is to provide the status of feedstock supply system technology development for biomass to biofuels, based on actual data and experimental results relative to technical targets and cost goals from specific design cases. The 2019 Woody Feedstock SOT presents the State of Technology for feedstock supply to three individual thermochemical conversion pathways that utilize woody feedstocks: Indirect Liquefaction (IDL), Catalytic Fast Pyrolysis (CFP), and Algal-blend Hydrothermal liquefaction (AHTL). The 2019 reactor throat delivered feedstock costs were found to be $63.54/dry ton, $70.15/dry ton and $70.31/dry ton, respectively (2016$).